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Healthcare Malware Hunt, Part 1: Silver Fox APT Targets Philips DICOM Viewers

Amine Amri, Sai Molige, Daniel dos Santos, and Forescout Research - Vedere Labs | February 24, 2025

Part 1: Silver Fox APT Abuses Philips DICOM Viewer to Deliver RAT for Backdoor Access


  • Healthcare remains a top target for ransomware. However, threats to the sector extend beyond ransomware.
  • We identified a campaign by the China-based APT Silver Fox, which exploited Philips DICOM viewers to deploy a backdoor, keylogger, and a crypto miner on victim computers.

Mitigation Recommendations for Healthcare Delivery Organizations (HDOs)

  • Avoid downloading software or files from untrusted sources, including patient devices.
  • Implement network segmentation to isolate untrusted devices/networks from internal systems.
  • Run up-to-date antivirus or endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions.
  • Continuously monitor all network traffic and endpoint telemetry to detect the IoCs listed below.

UPDATE: Forescout Research – Vedere Labs has no evidence that Philips or Philips medical devices were hacked to distribute malicious versions of their DICOM Viewer. The threat actor involved in this campaign is known for using techniques, such as phishing and watering holes to distribute malware. Past campaigns targeting DICOM viewers (not from Philips) used the same techniques.

Healthcare was the most targeted critical infrastructure sector in both 2023 and 2024. While many of those attacks involved ransomware, impacting data availability and potentially disrupting patient care, other threats to healthcare organizations directly exploit medical applications.

During a threat hunt for new malicious software, we identified a cluster of 29 malware samples masquerading as Philips DICOM viewers. These samples deployed ValleyRAT, a backdoor remote access tool (RAT) used by the Chinese threat actor Silver Fox to gain control of victim computers. In addition to the backdoor, victims were also infected with a keylogger and a crypto miner, a behavior not previously associated with this threat actor.

Below, we provide a detailed analysis of this new Silver Fox campaign and outline mitigation strategies to reduce risk.

Identified Malware Cluster

The malware cluster we uncovered contained trojanized versions of MediaViewerLauncher.exe, the primary executable for the Philips DICOM viewer. All identified samples were submitted to VirusTotal from the United States or Canada between December 2024 and January 2025.

Pivoting off the initial 29 samples, we identified numerous additional instances masquerading as other types of software. These samples (collected between July 2024 and January 2025) exhibit common traits, such as PowerShell defense evasion techniques, distinctive process execution patterns, and shared file system artifacts.

Notably, the samples demonstrate evolutionary behavior, suggesting ongoing malware development:

  • July 2024: 12 samples exhibited basic defense evasion, employing a single PowerShell exclusion command, simple process chains, and minimal use of system utilities.
  • August 2024: 13 samples introduced multiple PowerShell exclusion commands, more complex process chains, and expanded use of system utilities.
  • October 2024 – December 2024: 3 samples indicated further advancements incorporating additional exclusion paths and new file system actions.
  • January 2025: 2 samples demonstrated multiple layers of PowerShell commands, reflecting advanced evasion techniques.

The latest malware samples masquerade as legitimate software, including MediaViewerLauncher.exe for the DICOM Viewer and emedhtml.exe for EmEditor. Additionally, some samples were disguised as system drivers and utilities, such as x64DrvFx.exe.

Silver Fox ATP History

Silver Fox, also known as Void Arachne and The Great Thief of Valley, is an APT that has historically targeted Chinese-speaking victims and has been highly active since 2024. Over the past year the group has demonstrated evolving tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) shifting its focus to a broader range of targets:

  • June 2024: Silver Fox was first identified targeting Chinese victims with malware that downloaded the trojan Winos 4.0, also known as ValleyRAT. This campaign leveraged SEO poisoning, social media and messaging platforms to distribute malware disguised as AI applications or VPN software.
  • June 2024: Later that month, the group was observed deploying a modified version of ValleyRAT incorporating DLL sideloading, process injection, and an HTTP File Server (HFS) for download and command-and-control (C2).
  • July 2024: A new analysis suggested that Silver Fox may be an APT masquerading as cybercriminals, as its targeting shifted to governmental institutions and cybersecurity companies.
  • August 2024: A further campaign targeted e-commerce, finance, sales, and management enterprises.
  • September 2024: The group was observed using a TrueSight driver to disable antivirus software.
  • November 2024: Silver Fox shifted its Winos/ValleyRAT distribution methods, leveraging gaming applications as a new delivery mechanism.
  • January 2025: The PNGPlug loader was first identified as part of the group’s TTPs.
  • February 2025: A new campaign was identified targeting finance, accounting and sales professionals, aiming to steal sensitive data.

The new malware cluster we identified, which includes filenames mimicking healthcare applications, English-language executables, and file submissions from the United States and Canada, suggests that the group may be expanding its targeting to new regions and sectors. Additionally, the group’s use of a crypto miner, detailed below, indicates the introduction of new TTPs into their campaigns.

Overview of Malware Behavior: From DICOM Viewer to ValleyRAT

The samples in this cluster, including MediaViewerLauncher.exe, function as first-stage payloads that may be delivered through multiple vectors. While we cannot confirm the exact distribution method, Silver Fox has a history of using SEO poisoning and phishing to propagate its malware.

The figure below illustrates the malware’s execution flow, from the initial infection stage to the deployment of its final payloads. A detailed breakdown of its behavior follows in the next section.

The first-stage malware performs two key preparatory functions before executing additional payloads:

  • Beaconing and Reconnaissance: It runs native Windows utilities such as ping.exe, find.exe, cmd.exe and ipconfig.exe to check if the system can reach the C2 server.
  • Security Evasion via PowerShell Exclusions:
    • August 2024: Introduced PowerShell commands to exclude certain paths from Windows Defender scanning, preparing the system for further malware stages.

Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\ProgramData','C:\Users\Public' -Force

    • December 2024 – January 2025: Expanded exclusions to additional system directories, increasing stealth:

Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\','C:\ProgramData','C:\Users','C:\Program Files (x86)' -Force

After executing these preparatory steps, the first stage contacts an Alibaba Cloud bucket to download several encrypted payloads disguised as image files. These payloads, detailed at the end of this report, include:

Once downloaded, the malware decrypts the payloads and generates a malicious executable (second-stage malware) which is registered as a Windows scheduled task. This task executes immediately and is configured to run at every user login, ensuring persistence on the infected system.

The second-stage malware loads the Cyren AV DLL containing injected code designed to evade debugging. It then enumerates system processes to identify various security software (detailed at the end of this report) and terminates them using TrueSightKiller.

Once security defenses are disabled, the second stage downloads an encrypted file, decrypting it into the third-stage payload, the ValleyRAT backdoor and loader module, which communicates with a C2 server hosted in Alibaba Cloud. ValleyRAT then retrieves additional encrypted payloads which, once decrypted, function as a keylogger and a crypto miner. All three final payloads (backdoor, keylogger and crypto miner) achieve persistence on the victim through scheduled tasks.

At the time of this analysis, the Alibaba Cloud storage buckets remained accessible, but the C2 server was already offline.

Each stage of the malware incorporates encryption, obfuscation and evasion techniques to resist detection and analysis. These include:

  • Obfuscation Methods:
    • API hashing to conceal function calls.
    • Indirect API retrieval to avoid static analysis.
    • Indirect control flow manipulation to hinder debugging and reverse engineering.
  • Evasion Techniques:
    • Long sleep intervals to delay execution and evade sandbox detection.
    • System fingerprinting to tailor execution based on the target environment.
    • Masked DLL loading to avoid security monitoring.
    • RPC-based task scheduling and driver loading to bypass standard process monitoring.

Additionally, the malware also adds random bytes to both dropped and loaded files, making detection and file hash-based hunting significantly more challenging.

Detailed Malware Analysis

The following analysis was conducted on an individual malware sample, so the filenames and hashes presented here are specific to that sample. While other samples in the cluster use different filenames, their overall behavior remains consistent.

The first-stage malware downloads an initial encrypted file named i.dat from an Alibaba Cloud bucket at vien3h[.]oss-cn-beijing[.]aliyuncs[.]com. The i.dat file contains URLs for six additional files hosted in the same cloud bucket, which for the analyzed sample were named a.gif, b.gif, c.gif, d.gif, s.dat and s.jpeg. These files are downloaded, decrypted and saved on the filesystem with new filenames. In the analyzed sample, the decrypted filenames were install.exe, vselog.dll, WordPadFilter.db, MsMpList.dat and 189atohci.sys. The s.jpeg  file was not decrypted into a separate file, but was directly processed as shellcode in memory.

The shellcode begins by scanning process memory for kernel32.dll:GetProcAddress (hash: 0x1ab9b854). It then uses GetProcAddress to retrieve the addresses of the following critical functions: LoadLibraryA, VirtualAlloc, VirtualFree and lstrcmpiA. Next the malware loads ntdll and retrieves from it the address of RtlZeroMemory and RtlMoveMemory. These functions are subsequently used for memory manipulation and payload unpacking. The shellcode then calls VirtualAlloc to allocate memory and unpacks a malicious DLL that will later be used for RPC-based task scheduling of malicious binaries.

The shellcode then loads RPCRT4.dll and retrieves references for RPC-related functions RpcBindingFromStringBindingW, RpcStringFreeW, RpcBindingComposeW, NdrClientCall3 and RpcBindingSetAuthInfoExA. Additionally, it loads KERNEL32.dll and retrieves references for HeapAlloc and HeapFree. The malware leverages a function from the persistence DLL that utilizes the named pipe \\pipe\atsvc to create a string binding in the form ncacn_np:[\\\pipe\\\\atsvc]. It then creates an RPC binding and executes NdrClinetCall3 with the following XML task description:

<?xml version="10" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="12"
<Principal id="Author">
<Actions Context="Author">


This schedules a Windows task to execute TO7RUF.exe, which corresponds to the Cyren AV executable (vseamps.exe or install.exe.) This task is configured to run immediately upon scheduling and then every time the current user logs in, ensuring persistence. After scheduling the task, the first-stage malware cleans all dynamically allocated memory and exits, effectively transitioning execution to the second stage.

The second-stage malware begins by loading vselog.dll and jumping to its DLLMain function to check for the presence of a debugger and evade analysis. It also checks for the presence of MsMpList.dat, a key indicator used for further execution logic.

Analyzing the second-stage payload requires setting a breakpoint on RtlUserThreadStart and monitoring the RCX parameter passed to that function. Once executed, the malware loads and decrypts WordPadFilter.db and MsMpList.dat, writes both files into its own process memory using WriteProcessMemory and calls DisableThreadLibraryCalls to prevent the debugger from intercepting DLL loading.

Execution then transitions to the decrypted shellcode from WordPadFilter.db and MsMpList.dat shellcode, which scans for installed security software. If security software is detected, the malware uses RPC calls to load the TrueSightKiller driver from 189atohci.sys, executes DeviceIoControl to request IOCTL number 0x22e044 with parameter MsMpEng and NisSrv.exe effectively terminating Windows Defender and disabling Windows native network monitoring, allowing the malware to operate undetected.

After disabling security defenses, the malware reconnects to the same Alibaba Cloud bucket and downloads four additional encrypted payloads named FOM-50.jpg, FOM-51.jpg, FOM-52.jpg and FOM-53.jpg. These files are decrypted into OKSave.exe (produced in memory from a benign uninstall.exe component of Internet Explorer), tbcore3U.dll, log.src and utils.vcxproj. The execution flow proceeds as follows; OKSave.exe loads tbcore3U.dll, which in turn unpacks and executes malware from log.src and utils.vcxproj, deploying both a crypto miner and a keylogger, which stores logs in C:\xxxx.in.

At this stage, three persistent malicious executables reside on the system: the ValleyRAT backdoor, the keylogger and the crypto miner. These malware components are scheduled to run either at system boot or upon scheduled task creation. The malware communicates with its C2 server hosted on Alibaba Cloud at 8.217.60[.]40:8917.

Conclusion and Mitigation Recommendations

Our investigation uncovered a new campaign involving sophisticated and rapidly evolving malware deployed by a Chinese threat actor. This campaign leverages trojanized DICOM viewers as lures to infect victim systems with a backdoor (ValleyRAT) for remote access and control, a keylogger to capture user activity and credentials, and a crypto miner to exploit system resources for financial gain.

While these DICOM viewers likely target patients rather than hospitals directly, as patients often use these applications to view their own medical images, the risk to HDOs remains significant. In scenarios where patients bring infected devices into hospitals for diagnosis, or emerging scenarios, such as hospital-at-home programs, which rely on patient-owned technology, these infections could spread beyond individual patient devices, allowing threat actors to potentially gain an initial foothold within healthcare networks.

To minimize risk and prevent unauthorized access, HDOs should implement the following risk mitigation measures:

  • Avoid downloading software or files from untrusted sources.
  • Prohibit loading of files from patient devices onto healthcare workstations or other network-connected equipment.
  • Implement strong network segmentation to isolate untrusted devices and networks (e.g. guest Wi-Fi) from internal hospital infrastructure.
  • Ensure all endpoints are protected with up-to-date antivirus or EDR solutions.
  • Continuously monitor all network traffic and endpoint telemetry for suspicious activity.
  • Proactively hunt for malicious activity that aligns with known threat actor behavior, ensuring early detection and response.

IoCs and Further Details

The indicators of compromise (IoCs) associated with this campaign are available on the Forescout Vedere Labs threat feed.

IoC Description
abd903bad26d190210954cac00f5d96d43fcb4a89823337e1669977b50a122f8 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
6986a9a81b945e9ccfc434287bd9efd1daacc616a3104d05fd810b33d4d5d3f2 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
2074ec1d3f58b19bd398b45af71b9853d6c3a0fa7c7145d76208601cfb05d1d6 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
f06bd6e7a237c90800c09a584bd55ea5feaba92c29449c2bdfb8b93d0b830a78 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
8d5b4082253df5256772f0578a7f568b123d50e615cd76b9530dd80b29cb326a MediaViewerLauncher.exe
614d64e2128cd8fc169c27fe204b85bca59482d381ae1cbfe705498fe46b0a95 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
213ed93b19f0130313933a700cafbaa27bef8e1a60157b225959624a4c875068 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
67b1a2e2135e32521f5c73e609ea9b4880af7827e357e92689aa250d3849d7da MediaViewerLauncher.exe
62f43b9c64c262fb907a36f5d8af7d8e9515cabf3c5d2b522fe3e2d995056e90 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
9f24f06f4b2341d285a5c3aca32b2992628b43a16ad8db65d73148d190942194 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
70a5276147d9f07b886f8537c869d8983b75efaaffe47bdedaf1b5f4fbc8022f MediaViewerLauncher.exe
ce7a94842dab8193e49dc0cde2e7ba1444d447d62db10e46ef170914f657d1f5 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
f993e9a76b1a7a23443a6fa481bba54ec2ad97c4c30e2d7f753fc3d107b9653e MediaViewerLauncher.exe
d8f4ce58ecd7a79014f9f97998bc5d9ae4fa4616b6f023d7e42bd94f64776b4e MediaViewerLauncher.exe
32c451737246a8343d7975c5d6372f885e376339683bcfef25107226b10e6290 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
6e71e6b3a56db2c349c19cb20e5bc1eb87f98bd61af27887e73935bed3c5e2ac MediaViewerLauncher.exe
ff136fe84af8795f61581b70fbe2e9414785efa3c607fda5fcab90d54cd14c58 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
fa0834d1bfed5f3126549c5382ab0f4661a9acf10224ed06cdfa69b90d800283 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
d92850cc929423eab1da0022a4d8cc8394d44f1b3efd581ff9473cd38e81d4c5 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
84f7ca5e09b2b3a4da145b1d43f23e0d3e93c208cd0f22b8b08efe5d4c45f38b MediaViewerLauncher.exe
9fdbb9e0339723c090064c53e2233ff59f6af6a944d5dbfa856f9a7961081da5 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
ee4e724f76dbcce7cae2da7ece76312581199d02cfee92ddce9c5229e7f2ee5d MediaViewerLauncher.exe
445072e538481ea4d3b68474fdaf0a66d3c319bf17b5aa67762d2e8bbbc5c14c MediaViewerLauncher.exe
f5ee9514446bde4267ac1abcc6944c4abdbb384f00c4c5b9ca2e5444332b0d97 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
df1c6479002495d8d5b9cce0b0c333f4b653c78ac803ec4abd5031f920b3f1fa MediaViewerLauncher.exe
d36c6ed9da54a00013cbefe05027126d414061c5fab6751a82e28de4a2d44226 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
54ef199324122a373d4d5a1765565fc56a2781e7a6e622bd2a84a3dbac28031c MediaViewerLauncher.exe
8f1b46d88c5aed8c653f64d69b3acf04837e8b0df2a3d282b265cea7da324ca2 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
5dff4297730bbc999d7e25f9bf596048bd39e0acf17d842c03e34415e61a1747 MediaViewerLauncher.exe
31adb4043339320c360d43686ace3736bac87df27dc309c7c544820acdb34a93 i.dat
2d3c7fbb4fba459808f20fdc293cdc09951110302111526bc467f84a6f82f8f6 a.gif
5536f773a5f358f174026758ffae165d3a94c9c6a29471385a46c1598cfb2ad4 b.gif
7545ac54f4bdfe8a9a271d30a233f8717ca692a6797ca775de1b7d3eaab1e066 c.gif
6166ef3871e1952b05bce5a08a1db685e27bd83af83b0f92af20139dc81a4850 d.gif
6ebe9d4cffadf2566a960067fc226739dd74f361dca0b0809df66f1c7bb8049d s.dat
5207b0111dc5cc23da549559a8968ee36e39b5d8776e6f5b1e6bdc367937e7df s.jpeg
25b6f65c07b83293958c6f1e36d053b1d39c5dde864fde5cfc1834ecca591139 189atohci.sys
b419964f0f219394bf9c6d5a9aa904796b14fdb2fe62b7079bbd0a48f4e902f1 MsMpList.dat
92f765df46c598c0f25ad69e862711565c6c23845ce2e4967ddde39ee1dd6c1d WordPadFilter.db
0e66d7ec29ad8b088971d337db79bc916c219e523bd538f5a9dc7e0179c2547a DLL
a92b2727de7c14b63c50b7062b2fcf61098a5d4d8bf3f749444e72b0cfc45f2b DLL
81ff16aedf9c5225ce8a03c0608cc3ea417795d98345699f2c240a0d67c6c33d f.dat
48f258037be0ffe663da3bcd47dba22094cc31940083d9e18a71882bdc1ecdb8 FOM-50.jpg
a2065ea035c4e391c0fd897a932dcff34d2ccd34579844c732f3577bc443b196 FOM-51.jpg
901330243ef0f7f0aae4f610693da751873e5b632e5f39b98e3db64859d78cbc FOM-52.jpg
f919634ac7e0877663fff06ea9e430b530073d6e79eee543d02331f4dff64375 FOM-53.jpg
cbf556ebc3ed7d3d3ddcd399f1a1f4212251b151f52cdafc60c4676dc4df60ab tbcore3.dll
4556d5d106adbd9e1c5627940bd2314ca59b2cc8c01359680ca70928b6bafc50 log.src
2da901c7e1441286d7e90d6a9f114ebb020e56d6f2200ea68111a691f29ff71b Keylogger
e26d5e23bee9695b05323928f66cec4d969178ebfc00e9930b71c356c5d37167 Crypto miner
15e272118e984d2bdeaec7e1f72a6568eb0a82e1d0431c5d824ced33120c706e utils.vcxproj
vien3h.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com Domain name of  Alibaba cloud bucket hosting the loader and  final payload stages.
8.217.60[.]40:8917 Defunct Alibaba cloud C2

List of security software explicitly checked for by the second-stage executable:

["HipsMain.exe", "HipsTray.exe", "HipsDaemon.exe", "360Safe.exe", "360tray.exe", "360sd.exe", "MsMpEng.exe", "NisSrv.exe", "ZhuDongFangYu.exe", "SecurityHealthSystray.exe", "kscan.exe", "kwsprotect64.exe", "kxescore.exe", "kxetray.exe", "kxemain.exe", "ksetupwiz.exe", "QMDL.exe", "QMPersonalCenter.exe", "QQPCPatch.exe", "QQPCRealTimeSpeedup.exe", "QQPCRTP.exe", "QQPCTray.exe", "QQRepair.exe", "QQPCMgrUpdate.exe", "KSafeTray.exe", "mpcopyaccelerator.exe", "UnThreat.exe", "K7TSecurity.exe", "ad-watch.exe", "PSafeSysTray.exe", "vsserv.exe", "remupd.exe", "rtvscan.exe", "ashDisp.exe", "avcenter.exe", "TMBMSRV.exe", "knsdtray.exe", "avp.exe", "avpui.exe", "avgwdsvc.exe", "AYAgent.aye", "V3Svc.exe", "mssecess.exe", "QUHLPSVC.EXE", "RavMonD.exe", "KvMonXP.exe", "baiduSafeTray.exe", "BaiduSd.exe", "LAVService.exe", "LenovoTray.exe", "LenovoPcManagerService.exe", "LISFService.exe", "LnvSvcFdn.exe", "wsctrl10.exe", "wsctrl11.exe", "wsctrlsvc.exe", "wsctrl.exe", "Bka.exe", "BkavService.exe", "BkavSystemServer.exe", "BkavSystemService.exe", "BkavSystemService64.exe", "BkavUtil.exe", "BLuPro.exe", "BluProService.exe", "cefutil.exe", "PopWndLog.exe", "PromoUtil.exe", "QHActiveDefense.exe", "QHSafeMain.exe", "QHSafeScanner.exe", "QHSafeTray.exe", "QHWatchdog.exe"]

The table below summarizes the files downloaded by the first and second-stage malware, both before and after decryption. At the time of analysis, none of these files were detected as malicious by antivirus solutions prior to decryption. However, as of this writing, three files (vselog.dll, 189atohci.sys and FOM-51.jpg) have been flagged as malicious after decryption. It is important to note that not every file listed should be considered malicious, only those explicitly identified in the IoC table above.

Name SHA256 Decrypts into
i.dat 31adb4043339320c360d43686ace3736bac87df27dc309c7c544820acdb34a93 URLs for a.gif, b.gif, c.gif, d.gif, s.jpeg and the strings for their decrypted filenames
install.exe, vselog.dll, WordPadFilter.db, MsMpList.dat and 189atohci.sys.
a.gif 2d3c7fbb4fba459808f20fdc293cdc09951110302111526bc467f84a6f82f8f6 vseamps.exe/install.exe/random.exe. Part of Cyren AV, benign file used for DLL injection. SHA256:
b.gif 5536f773a5f358f174026758ffae165d3a94c9c6a29471385a46c1598cfb2ad4 vselog.dll. SHA256:


c.gif 7545ac54f4bdfe8a9a271d30a233f8717ca692a6797ca775de1b7d3eaab1e066 WordPadFilter.db. SHA256: 92f765df46c598c0f25ad69e862711565c6c23845ce2e4967ddde39ee1dd6c1d


d.gif 6166ef3871e1952b05bce5a08a1db685e27bd83af83b0f92af20139dc81a4850 MsMpList.dat. SHA256:


s.dat 6ebe9d4cffadf2566a960067fc226739dd74f361dca0b0809df66f1c7bb8049d 189atohci.sys, TrueSightKiller driver used to disable antivirus. SHA256:


s.jpeg 5207b0111dc5cc23da549559a8968ee36e39b5d8776e6f5b1e6bdc367937e7df Shellcode that is executed in a dynamically allocated memory region set to PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE.
It unpacks a DLL for persistence by RPC task scheduling. SHA256:
It unpacks a DLL with SHA256: a92b2727de7c14b63c50b7062b2fcf61098a5d4d8bf3f749444e72b0cfc45f2b
f.dat 81FF16AEDF9C5225CE8A03C0608CC3EA417795D98345699F2C240A0D67C6C33D Payloads that once processed will produce

OkSave.exe starting from a benign uninstall.exe file that is part of Internet Explorer. It will
load  tbcore3U.dll with SHA256:



utils.vcxproj with SHA256:

and log.src with SHA256:



OkSave.exe will use utils.vcxproj and log.src to drop Crypto-miner with SHA256:



Keylogger and trojan horse with SHA256:


FOM-50.jpg 48F258037BE0FFE663DA3BCD47DBA22094CC31940083D9E18A71882BDC1ECDB8
FOM-51.jpg a2065ea035c4e391c0fd897a932dcff34d2ccd34579844c732f3577bc443b196
FOM-52.jpg 901330243EF0F7F0AAE4F610693DA751873E5B632E5F39B98E3DB64859D78CBC
FOM-53.jpg F919634AC7E0877663FFF06EA9E430B530073D6E79EEE543D02331F4DFF64375
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