Ornamental dots. Two rows of three dots. The top row is a light blue. The bottom row is one light blue dot followed by two orange dots.

Forescout and Palo Alto Networks

Why Solution Integration?

Forescout and Palo Alto Networks provide an integrated solution that dynamically segments, identifies and responds to threats across device types and network tiers — without need for prior device knowledge or to rebuild networks. The integration of Forescout and Palo Alto Networks helps you:

  • Dynamically segment devices upon connection based on detailed profiles
  • Automatically detect and respond to threats across managed and unmanaged devices
  • Close security gaps through automatic information sharing and workflows between Forescout and Palo Alto Networks®
Watch Live Interview with Palo Alto Networks on Zero Trust and Forescout

Dynamically Reduce Attack Surfaces

The Forescout eyeExtend for Palo Alto Networks® NGFW module allows Forescout to exchange real-time device and user information with Palo Alto Networks NGFW. This allows you to automatically segment and enforce security policies based on rich device context, regardless of device type and network location. This integration equips you to:

  • Dynamically apply device tags and, based on device and user profiles, assign to NGFW defined groups
  • Create granular security policies based on comprehensive user, device and security posture information
  • Continually enforce segmentation and other policies for managed, unmanaged, known and unknown or new devices as they connect

Forescout eyeExtend for Palo Alto Networks NGFW

See Dynamic Segmentation in Action.

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Experience our solution firsthand

Take a Forescout Test Drive that includes sample orchestration with Palo Alto Networks NGFW

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Preventing Cyberattacks via Dynamic Network Segmentation

Learn best practices to combat threats across constantly changing attack surfaces.

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Automatically Prevent Spread of Threats

The Forescout eyeExtend for Palo Alto Networks® WildFire™ module joins the power of Palo Alto Networks WildFire’s advanced threat intelligence and detection with Forescout’s network-wide visibility and control to rapidly identify, contain and resolve threats:

Forescout eyeExtend for Palo Alto Networks WildFire Demo

See how Forescout and WildFire combat threats network-wide.

Watch Demo Video

Experience Threat Detection and Response in Action

Click through on your own demo of how Forescout and WildFire combat threats.

Experience Interactive Demo

Safely Combat Operational Technology (OT) Threats in Real Time

The integration between Forescout eyeInspect and Palo Alto Networks NGFW enables synchronized defenses to effectively combat today’s advanced threats against industrial control systems (ICS), healthcare systems and critical infrastructure within all enterprise organizations such as Building Automation Systems (BAS). Benefits of integration include:


What Customers are Saying

Ready to Explore?

Unlock the power of this joint solution with our specialists and dive into a live demo.
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